Hornbills of Malaysia


Hornbill (family Bucerotidae) can be found in tropical and subtropical Asia and Africa. With a long, curved beak and bright casque on its head, hornbills arguably have the most attractive and eye-pulling profile amongst their feather brethren.

 In Sarawak, the land of the Hornbills, eight out of 54 species of Hornbills in the world can be found and another two species can be found in Malaysia. Hornbill species that can be found in Sarawak including, Oriental-pied hornbill, Black hornbill, Bushy-crested hornbill, White-crowned hornbill, Rhinoceros hornbill, Helmeted hornbill, Wrinkled hornbill and Wreathed hornbill, Great hornbill and Plain-pouched hornbill can be found in Malaysia but not Borneo Island.

What do Hornbills eat?

Hornbills are omnivores. In Sarawak tropical forests, hornbills are fond of fruits, therefore, they are also valuable seed dispersers, which assist in the regeneration of forests. For example, great hornbills and helmet hornbills are tremendously fond of figs; during the harvest seasons, they will gorge themselves.

Hornbills' family life.

Hornbills have a unique behaviour in nesting. When a female hornbill is ready to lay eggs, she will find a hollow in the mature tree and sit inside. With the help of male hornbill, they will narrow down the entrance. The male constructs the nest exterior with compacted mud, while the female may use her own excrement as a rudimentary cement. Every day, the male hornbill will collect food and pass it to the female hornbill through the narrow entrance. This will last for several months until the eggs are all hatched peacefully.

Facts of Hornbills

1. Hornbills have a strong and muscular neck. To hold their heavy bills, hornbills have developed strong muscles in their neck, making them different from other birds.

2. Hornbills are the only birds with eyelashes.

3. Hornbills can be friends with monkeys. The hornbill eats insects that annoy monkeys, and they recognise the warning calls from monkeys when humans come closer to them.

4. Hornbills have their own morse code. During the period when the female hornbill is confined, the male hornbill communicates by flapping its wings against the nest. According to observations, the sound produced resembles that of a steam engine due to the texture of their feathers.

5. Hornbills are an important symbol for the Dayak tribe. The Dayak tribe of Borneo considers hornbills emblematic of the spirit of God. Every time a hornbill flies over the household, it means that good fortune is around the corner.

10 species of Hornbills in Malaysia

Oriental-pied hornbill

Black hornbill

Bushy-crested hornbill

White-crowned hornbill

Rhinoceros hornbill
Helmet hornbill
Wrinkled hornbill
Wreathed hornbill
Great hornbill
Plain-pouched hornbill

* Plain-pouched hornbill is different from Wreathed hornbill, both have similar morphology, yet can be distinguished by the dark bar on the lower throat*


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